Other sources of financial help

Depending on your circumstances and your requirements, there may also be other kinds of financial assistance available to you. Some national organisations and charities offer grants to help with various aspects of living with kidney failure. Local branches or support groups may also offer grants for moderate amounts, or small bursaries for specific purposes.

These grants and bursaries cover a range of financial needs associated with kidney failure:

  • Holidays
  • Clothing
  • Training courses
  • Driving lessons
  • Acute financial problems (bills, etc)
  • Household items
  • Extra equipment necessary for home dialysis

The process of applying for these kinds of grants is confidential, and only the Chairman or Treasurer of the charity - and your Social Worker - will be aware of your personal details.

In all cases the applicant must be in financial need relating to their renal illness, but as long as they are eligible, a decision can be made very quickly. More than one charity may be approached for funding.

Some of the charities that have given financial assistance to renal patients include:

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